Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Online Certificate Course

This RAS Online Certificate Course is offered through Energime Institute and offers participants an in-depth understanding of successful RAS designs. At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to design, construct, and manage their own RAS system. Upon completion of the course and sufficient scoring on the final assessment, participants will be awarded a RAS Certificate from Energime Institute. 

This course is fully online and self-paced. Once enrolled in the course, participants have one year to complete the course. 

The course includes:

  • 11 hours of video lectures explaining the aquaculture system design process from start to finish
  • Reading assignments from a downloadable PDF version of the complete Recirculating Aquaculture textbook, 4th edition (which is included in the course)
  • Self-check quizzes to confirm mastery of key concepts and a final assessment
  • One design workbook to aid you in your system design
  • Extensive supplementary videos on food science, fish nutrition, and fish health and tours of facilities
Topics covered throughout the course and within the provided materials include:
  • Overview of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) engineering
  • Water quality objectives, monitoring and measurement
  • Fish growth and system staging
  • Engineering design of individual unit processes
  • System management
  • Fish health management
  • Economic and risk evaluation
To enroll in the RAS Certificate Course go to https://energimeinstitute.org/ras/ and register today!
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